

♠ Multi-speciality OPD
♠ 24 X 7 Emergency Care
♠ Day Care
♠ In-house Pharmacy
♠ Ambulance
♠ + many more


♠ State-of-the-art facilities
♠ Well Equipped ICU
♠ TPA / Cashless
♠ Computerised System
♠ AC/Private Rooms
♠ + many more

Our Specialities

♠ Qualified Doctors & Staff
♠ Well Equipped Departments
♠ Affordable Treatment
♠ 24x7 Emergency service
♠ Free OPD at regular camps
♠ Electronic patient record by Softcure HMS

-: Specialities :-

We uniquely aim to achieve highest levels of quality and safety by engaging doctors, nurses, therapists and other staff as well as partnership with the patient and their family members. A culture of continuous quality improvement is cultivated and encouraged to provide the patients a safe environment to receive the highest quality care.

Book an Appointment now ! For our innovative health care services.

"healing with humanity"

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